
What Size Zettelkasten Notebook Do You Prefer?

📺 https://youtu.be/mGvkbEBixQA

I use a 8.5” x 5.5” sketchbook with a spiral binding that I can clip a mechanical pencil to. I prefer to split it in half with a line and just use them however. I like cognitive restraints so that I keep to a single focused idea. I originally planned to move them all into digital form, but find keeping them in the notebook fine until I want to do something more permanent. Rather than throw them out, I will draw lines through them to show they’ve been transferred or are no longer needed. I prefer of paper most of the time, actually, since it doesn’t chain me to a screen and think better away from the screen (usually).

Be sure to read Luhmann’s own words before looking at anything else claiming to be about Zettelkasten method.
