
RBAC and OPA (Gatekeeper) to Secure Kubernetes

When you are entering the Kubernetes building, RBAC is the security person at the door checking badges (authorization). OPA Gatekeeper is the person doing the full metal detector wand sweep (compliance).

Learning about the relationship between the Kubernetes RBAC resources and the external OPA (Gatekeeper) resource (which might as well be considered standard at this point since it is required for the CKS certification and has been an industry standard for some time).

RBAC handles permissions for things. It this person in a specific group. What’s their role with regard to this namespace, to the entire cluster?

Gatekeeper covers how resources are deployed, the “policies” for how they are deployed, changed, and managed over time. If this thing running as root, has it set the proper constraints so it doesn’t get out of control, are all of it’s ports locked down, is it using mTLS to communicate, etc.



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