
Use `` to Get JSON Schema from Go Template

It can be frustrating not knowing the data schema/model available when using commands that take a Go template --format argument. One way to just look at everything that is possible is to convert it to JSON first with `` and pipe that through jq. Then, you can hone in on what you want, or just use jq for everything.

This is particularly useful for docker which does not have an -o json option as one may come to expect from using kubectl and family. For example, the following prints out all the possible values for all running containers:

docker ps --format '' | jq .

Which will produce something like the following:

  "Command": "\"/bin/bash\"",
  "CreatedAt": "2021-10-15 14:41:15 -0400 EDT",
  "ID": "1da31ee9eb8a",
  "Image": "ubuntu",
  "Labels": "",
  "LocalVolumes": "0",
  "Mounts": "",
  "Names": "worker-3",
  "Networks": "k8s-workers",
  "Ports": "",
  "RunningFor": "9 hours ago",
  "Size": "0B (virtual 72.7MB)",
  "State": "running",
  "Status": "Up 9 hours"
  "Command": "\"/bin/bash\"",
  "CreatedAt": "2021-10-15 14:41:14 -0400 EDT",
  "ID": "d25e91e814b2",
  "Image": "ubuntu",
  "Labels": "",
  "LocalVolumes": "0",
  "Mounts": "",
  "Names": "worker-2",
  "Networks": "k8s-workers",
  "Ports": "",
  "RunningFor": "9 hours ago",
  "Size": "0B (virtual 72.7MB)",
  "State": "running",
  "Status": "Up 9 hours"
  "Command": "\"/bin/bash\"",
  "CreatedAt": "2021-10-15 14:41:14 -0400 EDT",
  "ID": "a9e9a99f2a02",
  "Image": "ubuntu",
  "Labels": "",
  "LocalVolumes": "0",
  "Mounts": "",
  "Names": "worker-1",
  "Networks": "k8s-workers",
  "Ports": "",
  "RunningFor": "9 hours ago",
  "Size": "19B (virtual 72.7MB)",
  "State": "running",
  "Status": "Up 9 hours"
  "Command": "\"/bin/bash\"",
  "CreatedAt": "2021-10-15 14:35:24 -0400 EDT",
  "ID": "51e4a8e191b8",
  "Image": "ubuntu",
  "Labels": "",
  "LocalVolumes": "0",
  "Mounts": "",
  "Names": "control-3",
  "Networks": "k8s-control",
  "Ports": "",
  "RunningFor": "9 hours ago",
  "Size": "0B (virtual 72.7MB)",
  "State": "running",
  "Status": "Up 9 hours"
  "Command": "\"/bin/bash\"",
  "CreatedAt": "2021-10-15 14:35:24 -0400 EDT",
  "ID": "37be9f41eb0d",
  "Image": "ubuntu",
  "Labels": "",
  "LocalVolumes": "0",
  "Mounts": "",
  "Names": "control-2",
  "Networks": "k8s-control",
  "Ports": "",
  "RunningFor": "9 hours ago",
  "Size": "0B (virtual 72.7MB)",
  "State": "running",
  "Status": "Up 9 hours"
  "Command": "\"/bin/bash\"",
  "CreatedAt": "2021-10-15 14:35:23 -0400 EDT",
  "ID": "6acefac2e51a",
  "Image": "ubuntu",
  "Labels": "",
  "LocalVolumes": "0",
  "Mounts": "",
  "Names": "control-1",
  "Networks": "k8s-control",
  "Ports": "",
  "RunningFor": "9 hours ago",
  "Size": "24B (virtual 72.7MB)",
  "State": "running",
  "Status": "Up 9 hours"


#docker #json #golang #templates #tips