
Change is Coming

The number of changes coming into my life lately has been just astounding. It’s a little scary how fast it is all happening. Those following my zets have probably noticed I’m not writing nearly as much, because so much of my life has shifted to activities that don’t involve a keyboard. Instead, I’ve been vlogging it all.

I’ve never been happier. The return to life outside has just overwhelmed me with absolute joy. I thrive off the outdoors and meeting amazing people from all sorts of cultures and backgrounds. The fact that I can skate and ride and run just makes it all that much better. I’m so happy I’ve even given up swearing (as much as I can).

What is all the change?

Mostly, I do the minimum work to stay alive, and spend all the rest of my time living. At first it seemed selfish, but I’m over that. My goal is to build an amazing community of like-minded adventurers who can share stories and places and ideas while helping each other remain happy (and gainfully employed).

#streaming #change