
Discovered Better os/exec from Kubernetes Project

Digging through the kubeadm code (while seeking a better understanding of what is happening exactly during the “phases”) I ran across a wonderful little replacement to the standard os/exec package that allows the use of mockups during testing:

 This package provides an interface for `os/exec`. It makes it
 easier to mock and replace in tests, especially with the `FakeExec`

It was a little hard to find given how buried the source was under .../vendor/k8s.io/utils/exec inside the main kubernetes source, but the import is pretty easy. I found it seeing execer all over in the code for running thing command-line like things easily. It seems like all the Kubernetes cmds use it, and for good reason. Here’s what an import looks like:

import (
    utilsexec "k8s.io/utils/exec"

This reminds me how valuable reading through the Kubernetes source code — including all the utilities — is for learning and getting ideas (and always has been).



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