
Titles for Technologists

Titles are meant to provide a grouping of skills and knowledge. They aren’t really certifications, but serve the same purpose organizationally.

The scope would be locked down by the list of requirements at some point. The Autodidact, Technologist, and Shell Native titles are covered by the Beginner Boost along with Bash Coder, C Coder, and Go Coder. They’ll cover some of Cloud Native and a tiny bit of Hacker.

“So, says here you are a C Coder?”

“Yeah, I’ve coded enough C to understand pointers and memory allocation, but nothing huge in it.”

I’m down with people calling themselves “RWX Hackers” “RWX Engineers”. I’m a little concerned people will drop the qualifying RWX from the beginning thinking they are whatever they think the world has decided for that particular title. A “Boost Hacker” could be just someone who has written enough C to use an exploit tool on it and understand why it is broken and how to break it. While a “Hacker” in the world-wide sense would automatically having people wonder what kind of qualifications a person has to say that.