
Value of Zettel Granularity

Because a zettel is, by definition, just one main thought or topic or concept it is very easy to just remove it if you change or mind or find that it is no longer relevant.

I’ve found that if I have followed the rules for “one best thought” when writing a zettel that the impact when that thought changes or goes away is reduced to zero. There’s no reworking of the idea, or preservation of other content in the zettel that might be still relevant. You just delete it.

If you have linked to that zettel somehow, that is a concern because the links will break, but that would have happened anyway, which is why you should encourage people to link — not to a specific zettel — but to searches of your zettelkasten so that they can find the most recent and relevant knowledge captured about the topic instead of one specific thought about it. This is one reason external hyperlinking was always a bad design.



#zettelkasten #links #advantages #knowledge