
“Updation” Not a Word, Also “Stroke” Not “Kneel”

Gotta love working in tech. The percentage of non-native English speakers I have worked with on every single tech team I have ever worked with, development and operations, has got to be above 60%. That’s why when I see a Rally ticket with the word ‘Updation’ in it I just have to chuckle. I don’t have any hate for them at all. I just think it’s funny, just like so many people thought the stuff I said incorrectly in Russian and French was funny.

One time, when I was a Mormon missionary, I told everyone that Joseph Smith knelt down and stroked himself (instead of praying). Who know’s maybe masturbation could be considered a form of prayer.

Another time I told everyone I was so pregnant (instead of full).

So when I take a moment to tell everyone that ‘updation’ isn’t a word I do so out of love. Stop saying it, and God help you if you use it in corporate communication documents. Just, um, stroke yourself to God that you don’t fall into that trap.

#funny #grammar #language #masturbating #mormons