
Under-Appreciated Speed of Bash

People love to bash on bash. After all it’s “just” a scripting language. But next time you are using it compare its startup and execution time to Python for the same simple tasks. Because the bash interpreter is already loaded into memory there is no need to load the entire interpreter every time. In fact, while I don’t have evidence for it yet, I’m willing to think that even if you have another shell that the bash interpreter loads into memory far faster than python or perl or ruby (of course, ruby, which is slow as shit).

And another thing, because bash is so dense, and relies on the UNIX philosophy to get things done, the parsing is wicked fast, far faster, in fact, that python and perl. All that hard to grok chicken scratch has value in that is far easier on the compiler than on our human eyes.

Here’s the thing, I’m okay with it being more dense to read if it means that is starts and runs as fast as it does. Sure it is bloated and slower than dash (which is why Debian booted bash for startup scripts a long time ago). But for the power bash brings to the table for “just a scripting language” you have to give it credit. It fucking rocks.

🤬 Hey you bash haters, yeah you. If your bash seems slow it’s probably because you’re a fucking moron and don’t know how to avoid all those shitty sed/awk/cut/tr subshells. Fucking idiot. Go back to your script kiddy language with your idiot Stack Exchange friends and stop hating on the world’s standard in Linux interactive shells until you actually fucking learn to code in it.


#bash #rocks #scripting #linux