
Gnome-Terminal Cannot Disable Bold Font

You get the proper color (01;32) but also get the fat letters (which frankly no one actually likes). Apparently, this is the reason the new Microsoft terminal does not do bold fonts (at least not by default) but it does recognized the different color for them. Solarized popularized the use of “bold” as indicating a completely different color rather than just making them actually bold. So there is some discrepancy within terminal application teams as to how to handle them. Obviously, the pedantic Gnome team said, “Hell no, bold is bold” while the MS team said, “It just looks better.” This is one of the few cases where I really agree with Microsoft. I hate that I cannot disable bold on PopOS! (an Ubuntu derivative). Alacritty can do this, but it gets so many other things wrong at this point it’s just not worth it. I really tried to make it work.