
Big Compatibility Problem with yaml.v2

While writing the y2j Bonzai branch I used yaml.v2 to first convert everything using the yaml:",inline" trick only to discover that that marshaling of it is incompatible with the core encoding/json marshaling API. I don’t have the error any more, but it had to do with map[string]any and map[any]any. I was really frustrated because it completely tanked my approach in y2j. For the hell of it I change v2 to v3 and, boom, it just worked, all of it.

Suffice it to say, from that moment on I was fucking done with yaml.v2. I don’t give a shit that Kubernetes may (or may not) be stuck on yaml.v2 for whatever dumb-shit reason. The more I read the K8S code base the less impressed I am with the design decisions over there. But what does my opinion matter, I just want my y2j to fucking work, and v3 fixes it. The end.

Okay, another thing, v3 also has a reasonable indentation instead of defaulting all arrays to not be indented. Sure that makes for less nesting, but I’ve found (and I imagine so did they) that healthy 4-space indentation is a good way to keep your YAML from getting really fucking crazy. Make another file for god sake. Well, now that v3 defaults to that larger indentation everything in my YAML life seems to have gotten better. Plus the creator of Kind uses it. Ben gets it.

#golang #coding #yaml #rant