
Having “Back to School” Fall Angst

I really love Fall. It is my favorite season. But there is something about Fall that gets me crazy. I think it is the change in routine. Just when I get a cozy schedule and routine that is working for my health and productivity and happiness it seems like the Fall shreds it and throws it in my face.

Ultimately, it requires making a new routine and getting used to that. But I really hate it.

Sometimes the change ends up with improvements I didn’t see coming. Other times it destroys all the progress I made before. But every time it constitutes a massive change in my life and relationships.

So I’m left wondering how to adapt the current and unexpected random changes that are definitely going to hit me in the next year as my wife looks for the best MFA program and location for all of us to move next. One thing is for sure, I won’t be settled into a cozy home again for another 4-5 years. That’s right. I’ll be close to 60 before I ever see a home again.

I guess that has always been my true lot in life. I lived a wild fantasy life as a Mormon in the suburbs that was never real, like the “safe space” The Master Mind created for the real Elliot. Question is, can this real “Elliot” survive this reality that seems so new despite having created it myself with my life’s choices.