
OpenShift Doesn’t Even Use Go Templates

📰 Update: I’ve just heard that there is an open issue to add support for Go templates. Another SME that I really respect, who is a total OpenShift fanboy, agrees this was a completely egregious omission from the beginning and needs to be addressed.

I don’t have words for how fucking stupid the decision to not support Go templates is in the OpenShift world. I will never willingly work with OpenShift after learning about this (and a ton of other architectural design fails):

OpenShift Container Platform provides a number of default Instant App and Quickstart templates to make it easy to quickly get started creating a new application for different languages. Templates are provided for Rails (Ruby), Django (Python), Node.js, CakePHP (PHP), and Dancer (Perl). Your cluster administrator should have created these templates in the default, global openshift project so you have access to them.

First, why are they supporting so many templates? Pick one. This is just going to make code bases completely unintelligible.

Second, there’s no Go template here even though the kubeadm, kubectl (and pretty much every other fucking utility related to Kubernetes) has a -o go-template option hard coded into it. Why would you be so stupid to not include them given this fact?


#k8s #cloud #redhat #rant #templates