
No Dashes - or Underscores _ in REST APIs

There is a pretty big debate that has raged over more than a decade about what is the correct method of naming a REST API endpoint. The O’Reilly Book (that people cite as main claim to use hyphens) was published in 2011 before Kubernetes was even out.

I am actually really glad to see that the Kubernetes team decided on simply dropping the case to lower for the whole thing. (The k8s API is a thing of beauty actually, very well designed despite how massive it is.) I plan on doing the same whenever I have the option to make that decision.

GET /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1alpha1/volumeattachments

While I support kebab-case for URIs in general it is true that the hyphen stops most things from selecting the entire URL. After all _ is considered a part of “alphanumeric” in most regular expressions including PCRE.

Dropping the case has the added advantage of directly correlating the names to their mixed case actual names in ProtoBuf (gRPC).