
Source /etc/bash_completion as root to Fix Tab

If you run into the following error as root having sourced the completion stuff for kubectl, kubeadm and company then you might have to source /etc/bash_completion to get the function that it needs (which is sourced automatically for all users on the system except root).

╔ rwxrob.tv:lab-k8s-hard-way-docker(main)
╚ $ d run -it --rm lab-k8s-hard-docker-control bash
root@066816ab811d:/# . <(kubeadm completion bash)
root@066816ab811d:/# kubeadm bash: _get_comp_words_by_ref: command not found
root@066816ab811d:/# . /etc/bash_completion
root@066816ab811d:/# kubeadm
certs       config      init        kubeconfig  token       version
completion  help        join        reset       upgrade


#tips #bash #k8s #completion #linux