
Get sleep, or get Alzheimer’s

Recent science has linked sleep with the process of clearing away “plaque” from our brains that blocks cognitive function. I feel like I have scientific words for what happens when you just code and code and don’t give that brain a chance to recuperate. You literally are being blocked from thinking.

Based on this study, I’ve decided to focus on re-establishing a solid circadian rhythm as much as humanly possible, including regular meals and sleep and exercise at precise times and adjusting those times. Looks like there are enough scientific studies to say this is a thing. I do feel, however, that you can have a rhythm that doesn’t necessarily correspond perfectly to 24 hours, and that focused naps at the right moment in the day can increase healing and cognitive function, I know because I’ve experienced that.

So my goal it so do 7 hours of sleep at a regular intervals with two 30-minute naps at specific times during the day. We’ll see how that works.


#sleep #health