
Tags Over Categories

Tags are supported by almost every modern content sharing service because they allow quick, flexible, and easy categorization without overthinking it. The tags that you find yourself using the most can then be gleaned from their usage instead of having to get them right up front.

Because of this, I’ve decided to use tags over categories in my zettelkasten content organization. I’ve also decided not to include Twitter-specific tags (like #100daysofcode) and add those as options to zet post instead because they just clutter up the meaning of the tags on each zettel. This also eliminates the need to put colon-separated prefixes in the titles.

At one time I was against tagging since it has been abused by other zettelkasten ‘tools’ that remove the cognitive process of regularly reviewing what is in your zettelkasten, but adding tags judiciously leverages the modern searchability advantage modern technology has offered to the zettelkasten approach. Luhmann clearly would have used it had it been available to him.

#zk #spec #tags