
Working Out the GitHub API Common Commands Branch

At a cross roads, I need z update to automatically the currently running process binary from the latest GitHub release matching the Source for the given GOOS and GOARCH. Up to now I’ve been writing my own GitHub API queries (which work fine enough) but it’s really hard when the gh release command does everything I need to do. If I use gh then I force a dependency to download the gh tool (or get it somehow). If not, I have to rewrite the API code that gh already contains (and it is too spaghetti to pull out of it, which is really too bad).

I could embed a specific version of the gh binary. In fact, that might a part of the embedded assets thing. There’s nothing that says an executable couldn’t go along for the ride. I can think of a lot of reasons to want to have the latest gh binary tightly coupled with my z tool (and other tools I’m writing for work). Having the gh tool would be so valuable for so many reasons (outside of the immediate need to do logins).

After playing with gh release view --json I realize there is really no reason not to encapsulate gh with anything I need and just expect the gh tool to be installed. After all, it’s also a Go monolith that can be installed anywhere and updates itself. It’s really the standard everyone should learn instead of creating yet another tool that talks to the GitHub API directly.

So really, all I have to do is translate the getopt shit into Bonzai bliss. Then I can create some high-level function pkg calls that encapsulate the gh calls. Sure there’s a level of indirection that could be avoided. But I just don’t see how going against the gh official tool will ever end well. To lessen the blow I can have z install gh and z setup gh in ways that play nice with vars and conf.

z gh repo rwxrob/bonzai            - raw json
z gh rel rwxrob/bonzai@latest      - json for specific release
z gh latest rxrob/bonzai           - name/semver of latest release
z gh dl tar rwxrob/bonzai@latest
z gh dl file rwxrob/bonzai@latest <name|regex>

I realize that these commands look a lot like the go install stuff but they are meant to work on systems where there is no Go installed. The familiarity is by design.

I want the dl|download command to be smart about detecting the GOOS and GOARCH and guessing well about which one is wanted when not all the name is there. By default, if the name doesn’t match anything it should find the closest one based on something like this:

  1. <name>
  2. <name>_GOOS_GOARCH
  3. <name>_GOOS

And if the name isn’t a name (starts with a slash /) then should assume a regular expression.

Whether or not there is a prompt to continue with the download is a z gh dl conf setting, probably prompt=false. By default the prompt will be off if not term.IsInteractive, otherwise will be sure want to download the file given the magic matching going on. Could be a lot of stuff there.