
Boost: Doors, Next and Previous

The Boost content has unique, non-linear content that would make putting it into a book nearly impossible. That’s because learning itself is usually non-linear (despite all that has been forced upon us). It only makes sense, then, to provide a way to navigate from any given learning node to any possible next node on that path, or to any possible previous node that leads to it. It’s like a learning MUD, a MUD for learning, or MUDL (yeah, I just invented that acronym).

Each zettel for a learning node (or room) has a section for ‘Doors:’ with links to other rooms. Even though you might have arrived in the room through one door you can then see that there are other doors you might not know about some that have lead there from different paths, others that take you further down another path. The path you take is up to you.
