
Istio Fucks Up kubectl run, Forever

I’m really growing to hate Istio and I’m still very new to all this. I know. I know. Istio saves the day and is the “network stack” for Cloud Native, blah, blah. I still fucking hate it.

I hate the hubris behind the idiotic decision the Istio team continues to stand behind by destroying the run command (and stuff similar to it) with sidecar injection. If you run Istio in your cluster you might as well make an alias for run that says, “Sorry, Istio ruined me.”

You can read all about this shit-storm of failure on the istio/istio project issue number 11130.

How the fuck did the Istio team think all of this was okay to begin with? Did someone say, “Let’s fuck up one of the most commonly used kubectl commands for everyone for the rest of eternity?” Sure feels like it based on the response in that thread. No one seems to even give a shit from the Istio team. Either that, or they are pretending to ignore that stupidity as if never happened, typical of certain types of tech people. “There is no usability bug. You can go about your business. *waves Jedi hand*” I hate that shit about people in our industry.

The problem stems from run not supporting the --container option to indicate the container you want (like exec supports). I’m sure everyone out there thinks wanting to use run is something only juvenile noobs want to use, but that thread confirms there are a ton of other reasons to want it.

The only solution is to turn it off, but often it is exactly Istio and networking stuff that you need to debug with a run. Sure you can do the same in a much more convoluted way, but it just sucks that you have to do it. Here’s how to disable it:


  "metadata": {
    "annotations": {
      "sidecar.istio.io/inject": "false"

exec kubectl run netshoot --rm -it \
  --image nicolaka/netshoot:latest \
  --namespace "${1:-$(ns)}" \
  --overrides "$overrides" \
  -- /bin/bash

See also: