
I Now Prefer Rocky Over Alma for RHEL Alternative

After receiving several very informed recommendations to use Alma over Rocky and CentOS I’ve changed my position and will be focusing on Rocky. To me Rocky has the cleanest pedigree (with an original CentOS member on the board) and has learned from the mistakes of the past that let RedHat kill CentOS. Alma is still taking a lot of money from enterprises and while that alone is fine, I don’t like it. Some might see that as better since the project will what it needs to get updates out faster than Rocky (which, to date it has done, but only by a few days).

Alma claims that the 501c3 will “protect” it as a non-profit, but I find it a little shady that they are not divulging how strongly that non-profit is being controlled by other interests. I have worked with setting up non-profits enough to know that if you still want to control it, that’s how you do it. Rocky is a “for benefit” corporation with the specific needs directly written into the by-laws of the company. I believe this is a much more transparent approach.

Plus, I like the best site and name better.

#linux #rocky #alma #redhat #rhel