
Windows Docker Desktop is Torture, Gimme Linux

I started out loving Docker Desktop. Now it won’t even start after a Windows forced upgrade. Some long-winded Java runtime error. Once again, I get fucked by the GUI. This immediately halted all my work deliverables and I can’t help point out that if I had been running Linux at work on my laptop instead of Windows that I would not be throwing my fucking weekend away trying to get back up and running able to completely my deliverables.

How did I get here?

I clicked on “Yes” to the forced Windows upgrades and reboot (in the middle of my fucking work day while working on production issues no less) and I said “Yes” to the Docker Upgrade notification that came in earlier in the day. Now nothing fucking works. And since my workspace is a Docker container to avoid down time from other problems related to system stuff I don’t have a fucking thing to work with.

When I ask, “May I please use Linux on my laptop?” on this account I get the, “Well everyone else is doing their job and they don’t need Linux?”

To which I respond, “Yeah, but their practices are more than a decade old. None of them know how to use TMUX or screen, and still connect with Putty to everything. I’ll quite before I ever use Putty.”

I wasn’t exaggerating or joking.

There are definite disadvantages to working with a “mature” team. I might be the absolute noob with regard to Kubernetes, but all the other stuff this team does is really fucking ancient.

They want me to ssh into a server to do all my work.

So forget about doing anything without a solid, stable network connection.