
Trevor Slocum, Creator of cview (tview Fork)

I have to say I’m a big fan of Trevor’s from afar. He too the things about tview that he didn’t like, forked it, and then sought out the best place to host it all. At first he was on Source Hut, in fact, that’s how I found out about it. Then he moved to GitLab and his decision to do that triggered a renewed in GitLab that ended with me migrating everything over to GitLab. About a year later I realized GitHub was destroying GitLab on all fronts — particularly support for FOSS by promoting sponsorships — and I moved. Now, it seems, the cview project has also moved, to https://rocketnine.space, which turns out to be Gitea running on Trevor’s own hosting service. I think that is brilliant. I’ve wanted to do that ever since GitHub pulled my educator status and gave me 30 days to get all my SkilStak stuff off or pay them for a professional org account. I’ve been conflicted, for obvious reasons, and (for the moment) am really centralizing on GitHub, but once again, Trevor has indirectly inspired me to take a look at dual committing to a Gitea as well so that in the event that GitHub does something stupid and sudden again I have someplace to send my users.