
Bonzai Branches with BonzaiMark for Education

I don’t know why this didn’t occur to me before now, but my emphasis on BonzaiMark and really readable documentation for any Bonzai Cmd has inadvertently created the best edtech tool I could have wanted to helping people learn, well, anything. Like skilbots before, anything that can be done on the command line — and documented — falls into Bonzai, but so too does anything I might want to document through a friendly web interface. In fact, I’ll extend BonzaiMark to have images and assets that are resolved from the embedded file system (with proper alt tag support, of course). Being able to encapsulate all the learning of a particular section into a Bonzai branch that can also monitor and assist the user on the local system as they complete tasks from the learning in the documentation — including interactive web content leveraging the local browser — just might be the holy fucking grail of instructional technology frameworks. Educators need only download and run a single binary, that can even auto-update itself, go get people doing hands-on learning immediately, and the learning Bonzai branches are also completely portable, meaning they can take them home and use them on their own systems. I don’t think I have ever been more motivated to see one of my crazy-ass ideas through to full fruition and adoption.

#edtech #edchat #education #golang #bonzai #learning