
Scoping Knowledge

When creating and consume knowledge there seems to be a few organic scopes and sizes:

  1. Title - 50 characters or less (git commits, titles, etc.)
  2. Micro - 380 characters or less (one tweet, index car, or paragraph)
  3. Zettel - about 25 lines of 72 columns (one Luhmann “zettel”)
  4. Digest - readable in one bathroom sitting (reader’s digest, etc.)
  5. Article - longer than digest (newspaper, blog, magazine, etc.)
  6. Section - about size of article but part of chapter
  7. Chapter - multiple sections
  8. Part - multiple chapters
  9. Book - multiple parts

What I’m writing right now is a zettel. It fits on about one of my terminal screens. The Twitch commands I use are micros.

I think this difference in scoping is why there will need to be a kn tool in addition to a zet tool. The kn tool will encompass the Zettelkasten but include other, more polished and varied knowledge scopes. For example, one knowledge node type will be a micro collection in a single YAML file, which is very different than the conventions for maintaining stuff in my zet. There will definitely be some crossover, which is why I’m writing this. I don’t want to maintain stuff in two places if I can help it.

#edtech writing