
Gnome-Terminal Settings

Here are my regular configurations for my gnome-terminal for streaming at maximum contrast and clarity (without being annoying). Keep in mind I run a 1080p (60hz) display resolution at 16:9 (even though I have a 4K monitor) since it takes the load off of OBS. That’s 79 columns and 22 lines, which is pretty close to the original base terminal sizes. These settings are specifically to optimize readability on the smallest screens and from the back of a classroom when displaying at the front of the class (a digital chalkboard essentially).

Text Tab:

Colors Tab:

Default color (Text): #FBF1C7 Default color (Background): #222222 Bold color: off Cursor color: off Highlight color (Background): #FE8019 Color palette:
#665C54 #CC240D #98971A #C79921 #458588 #B16286 #689D6A #A89984 #928374 #FB4934 #B8BB26 #FABD2F #83A598 #D3869B #8EC07C #EBDBB2

Scrolling Tab:

Show scrollbar: off Scroll on keystroke: off Limit scrollback to: off