
“DevWars” is More Proof Humans Suck

Sitting here watching this complete waste of time between a bunch of web developers competing over who can make a “Memory Game” the fastest and all I can think is, “Why the fuck would you waste your time on this shit with so much more important stuff out there — that’s entertaining — to work on?” I can’t talk like this in public or people get pissed off at whatever they call my “hate” for their lack of caring about contributing useful shit to the world. Sometimes I wish I could really just relax. But look around, how can anyone relax with all the stuff the world really needs.

As a side note, it takes the web community to come up with this shit. All using their own variation of a graphic editor, all coding on nothing more than CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Perhaps I can get behind the educational aspect of it. I imagine some people find “competition” fun. But my inclination is to believe that a better way to act on your competitive impulses is to spend your weekend making shit that competes with status quo shit that is really bad. Prove yourself in the field of real battle, not some contrived waste of time.