
Replace Twitch Tags with API

One of the hardest things to keep up to date now that I’m streaming in all sorts of categories (which I hear they call “variety streaming”) it is really hard to change all the meta data to keep people less annoyed when they get a notification about my stream that might be less than accurate).

The problem with variety streaming is that finding the right tags takes a lot of energy to do every time. For example, I love the co-working tag (that members of the community lobbied Twitch to add) but it would be completely wrong to have that during one of my outdoor runs. Someone filtering out all co-working streams would be pissed if they ran across mine.

I need to make a PWA that allows the combination of things that I want to change based on what is immediately happening, and to make so that I just have to press a button to make it happen. In fact, I am realizing I really need an app for lots of stuff with buttons I can just tap from my phone.
