
Restream.io, Nice But Unnecessary

Restream doesn’t solve any problems I care about.

I had a love affair with https://restream.io for all of one week. I learned the API and everything. I even had real-time messages coming down from Websocket connections and printing out, all coded in Go. But the more I realized that I really only need to stream to Twitch, that there is nothing out there that even comes close to usability (from the perspective of the user) then I got over my Twitch angst and returned to the fold. I haven’t looked at the new API fully yet, but I’m quite confident there is a direct Websockets layer for events (without dumb-shit polling like YouTube requires).

Also after I started dual streaming directly to YouTube and Twitch with nginx-rtmp container, and managed to get 3 second latency on each, I never want to add back another laggy middle service again, but I just don’t need it.