
Web People Don’t Know How to Use Language

The terms “frontend”, “backend”, and “full-stack” were either invented or destroyed by Web people, people who should know better than to pick obtuse, open-ended terms for things. After all, these people claim to be be in charge of producing our Web content. Perhaps that is why the Web is so totally messed up these days. Web people have a bad habit of taking a term that has perfectly good meaning and obfuscating the crap out of it.

They also gave us the terms “serverless” and warped “API” into meaning only a “Web API” because the entire world and tech industry revolves around them, or so they think.

It took moronic web think to bring us the Google term “Site Reliability Engineer” displacing the perfectly accurate term “Systems Administrator” (which, by the way, already implied someone who could script and code before Google decided that was the greatest distinguishing difference) and now we can’t even search for jobs without using this idiotic, inaccurate terminology.

Perhaps this is why Linus Torvalds refuses to call these people “developers.” I certainly don’t blame him. They sure the hell are not engineers, more like a bunch of one-trick ponies who have no real idea how computers even work and feel all powerful using Typescript instead of JavaScript.

What? Are you offended that Linus and I have used inaccurate terms to describe what you do? Get used to it. You are the dregs of the IT industry. You deserve it.

#rants #webdev #fullstack #morons