
Snagged keg.pub, Cannot Wait to Build KEG

People might think my interest in KEG has waned by the amount of attention I’m not able to put into it lately, but after getting a tip from a Twitch community member that keg.pub was available I’m reminded how much I really want to get to working on that eventually. The Boost is starting up in 36 days that the will really tank most of my work on the weekends for any other development, but I’ve got to find a way to work on it. All the stuff I’m doing is leading up to it slowly but surely: bonzai, pegn, zet, and all the bonzai branches — especially the yq and y2j stuff. The Boost is going to push me to get that content polished better and that will require creating either a zet or keg static site generator. I’m already way over what is viewable on GitHub using that method. But at least I still have someplace to put everything. I’ve been spending a lot of time on Bonzai lately, but now that I think about it, it is really in the critical path to doing anything else. Everything depends on it. And these days, Bonzai depends on PEGN and scan.X so that I can complete BonzaiMark and have a fucking solid standard for writing all Bonzai command documentation. I cannot fuck that up. Potentially, millions will one day be using it to document their Bonzai composable commands. So I suppose it is all worth the investment in time. If only I get on someone’s payroll who just wants to pay me to do all this FOSS stuff. I haven’t really looked. But my current job is fine for now. It pays the bills. If things keep going the way they are, I’ll be able to dedicate a full workday or two a week to those stuff and make an official reduction in time through TEK. But I can’t do that yet.