
K8SAPP Metadata

Having consistent metadata in each K8SAPP Git repo allows the consolidation of this data later into a master manifest used to regularly check for version updates and such. Each Git repo should begin with a specific prefix following the K8SAPP convention (preferably k8sapp-). Each K8SAPP repo should contain a k8sapp.yaml containing the following metadata:

longname unique long name within the scope of a given Git repo collection or service that may contain qualifiers similar to container image references (ex: rwxrob/jupyterhub)

shortname for referencing easily within local contexts and corresponding to the git repo name after the prefix (k8sapp-jhub -> jhub)

title descriptive title of 70 Unicode characters or less for creating lists of K8SAPPs

version semver of this K8SAPP, not it’s origin, git tag also must be synced

repo Git-friendly reference to the required source Git repo (usually HTTP)

maintainers optional list of primary contacts with name, email, url, slack

Why no summary or description?

These should best be placed in the required README.md file within the required Git repo since CommonMark is much more expressive.

Why no kubeVersion?

The kubeVersion in Helm is disastrously broken to the point of being dangerous. In addition, any indication of a K8SAPP being usable by a specific version or greater is simply a lie since there is no way to guarantee future compatibility.

Moreover, the Kubernetes version is but one consideration. Some K8SAPPs may have dependencies on specific versions of other installed applications.

This complexity is best communicated and managed in the README.md file itself and should probably not be automated.
