
So Many “Educational Review” Articles Lie to You

Just doing a casual search earlier today and found something called TangoLearn and its 10 Top Kubernetes Online Courses for 2021-22, which is absolute shit. The give away is the disclaimer on the bottom of the page:

Disclaimer: When you buy through some links on our site, we may earn a commission. However this commission will not cost you anything extra. [The lack of comma after “however” is their omission, not mine.]

“Not cost you anything” must not include your time filtering out the profiteering, shilling assholes from people who actually want to help you. It’s no surprise to anyone that not a single resource listed is available for free online. Every fucking one of them is on a paid “training” platform, mostly Udemy and Coursera.

Even though they state at the bottom of the page that this list has been reviewed “by 10 Kubernetes experts” (who they do not dare to name for us to confirm) I can personally confirm that the top Udemy stuff from Mumshad Mannambeth is absolute shit. I know because I started going through it and was so disgusted at the focus on flash over substance, the idiotic design, and just flat-out lack of actual understanding of modern systems administration and infrastructure that I got a refund after the first 10 days. I really wanted to like it. I did.

The fact that so many have completed this “course” and think they are prepared for the immense task of infrastructure engineering a Kubernetes cluster is horrifying. No wonder good companies are hiring senior people with solid Linux system administration and SRE skills and helping them upskill using real methods instead of these shitty courses. My contract recruiter just reached out to me today practically begging me to send anyone with good Linux skills to him. He wants people who are true autodidacts, who have largely learned on their own through experimentation and shadowing people who are already paid to do this sort of work.

The simple reality is that the more flashy something is — and the more a person focuses only on “teaching” something — the less likely the content is going to be worth learning. This is nothing new. It’s been true since humans started learning. But there is always some asshole lying to you to sell you a quick-n-easy “course”.

Mentoring is so much more valuable than any “course” you could ever find. Pairing and shadowing experienced professionals has been how learning UNIX/Linux has been done for decades, and Kubernetes is literally just an extension of that. Mentoring is the only way to go. Give mentors and those learning a road map and the resources to do their own learning. Vocational training and Scouting has been done this way for decades.

Creating an open credential merit system would address these issues, one that is not driven by affiliate links, hidden profits, and “teachers” and “trainers” trying to convince you they know what the fuck they are talking about by adding yet another animation to their presentation rather than actually working at all with the technology, you know, building their own real experience and sharing it in an organized way.



#k8s #training #rant #mentor