
Choose the Right Desktop Tools for Real Jobs

Here’s my latest thinking about the best tools for the best infrastructure engineering and cloud-native applications development jobs. Keep in mind these conclusions take everyone into account, not just the edge cases.

Consider the following realities:

So, tech workers need a VM solution that runs on Windows or Mac.

Why not WSL2?

But which of the two is a better pick for most tech jobs?

What about graphic application dependencies?

VMware Workstation Pro is the best choice for more tech work and should be an essential tool that every tech professional saves up to buy eventually.

VirtualBox is good for those just starting out who don’t yet have the money.

Can’t I do everything in a workspace container instead?


And related to the Beginner Boost here’s the steps to get started (revised from 2021):

  1. Install Windows Terminal or iTerm2
  2. Install VMware Workstation/Fusion Pro or VirtualBox
  3. Download fluff and fluff up a local cloud of VMs
  4. Use default password to ssh into local cloud VM

As for the Boost projects, challenges, and other exercises we’ll be creating them as docker containers, VMs, fluff clouds, and the combination of them.