
Using go get -u is Usually Bad, Beware

Beginners to Go might see be doing go get -u with wild abandon and think they should also. But the reality is that go get -u should almost never be used — especially now that we have go work.

The reason is because this command updates everything without consideration for what should be updated. Every dependency with every version is automatically updated to the latest without any opportunity for you to vet the differences between the versions. Updating your versions, or using anything like the dumb-shit NPM “or greater than” option is a recipe for disaster on multiple levels.

I know you don’t want to be reminded of it, but you should know every fucking line of code that exists in your applications. That means you must really trust the package team or have a team of your own vetting all the code that you import. Using go get -u is the antithesis of this because it does everything at once.

Instead, you should probably create a regular process of reading through your core dependencies in go.mod (which are nicely organized for you to review, unlike Node shit). You then go get -u foo on each individual one instead of all of them.

Never for installs

Cobra is broken as a project on so many levels. Yet another reason is that they recommend installing cobra with go get -u which is actively discouraged by the official Go team.