
Book: Out of Their Minds (Sir Ken Robinson)

Perhaps the most influential (non-fiction) book of my life. This wonderful man has no reverence for, well, anything even though he is most decidedly and demonstrably a product of academia, for better or worse.

Ken didn’t end up like all the other academics. Instead he seems to have been very influenced by being exposed to them during most of his life.

“[Professors] look upon their body as a form of transport for their heads.”

Ken’s a revolutionary in every positive sense of the word, and has you laughing while crying at the current state of affairs where children have their creativity “beaten out of them” in schools.

Ken’s not unlike a Robin Williams with a legitimate British accent, just a bit more even-keel. Don’t miss this read if education is near to your heart, or you need further convincing that you don’t need permission to own your own learning and creativity.



#education #reform #innovation #creativity #authors