
Stop Using Single Brackets in bash!

There’s a very good reason that bash designers added double bracket conditions. Because POSIX single brackets are a fucking disaster. Do you use -eq or =? Do you have to quote things? How about strings? What the fuck is up with glob expansion?

Seriously, if you are using single brackets in 2022 in anything where you have permission to use bash you are a fucking moron (or just uninformed). I’m not even going to tell you all the reasons this is simply an objective fact. If you don’t know why, I challenge you to do the research and read everything you can (starting with man bash) as to why that is.

POSIX shell scripts are horrible, broken, boomer standard that most of its creators don’t even use anymore. 99% of the time you can use bash without a problem. Zsh scripts are even worse because they look like POSIX scripts but have company-killing floating point math problems in them waiting to burn you without you even knowing it. Zsh is NOT POSIX compliant. It’s fucking dangerous. If you deploy a zsh script in production you are a FUCKING MORON!

I’m so fucking tired of defending this position. It’s so annoying.

By the way, if you are doing any numeric comparisons and math you should be using double parentheses instead.

And you are using shellcheck right? What?! You’ve never heard of it? Okay, we’re done here.

#bash #posix #rant #shell #scripting