
Limit to 72 max cols/width in vim/whatever (if you are going limit)

I’m so fucking tired of reading people’s shitty comments that wrap prematurely because they set their cols/width to 80 instead of 72, the long established best practice for wrapping anything with enough gutter to work on an 80 column screen and the IETF RFC style requirement.

I mean, I’m okay with you going off and saying everyone has to have a 100 width terminal if that is your thing. What really irks me is when someone attempts to support the standard 80-col terminal width in their code and them fails to set it to 72. This blows up the OCD in me because everything is just barely off by a few characters. My TMUX is set to 81 columns and I still can’t fit your shit on my screen. I’d have to set it to 84 to make up for these dumb-asses.