
When Did You Know You Wanted to Be a Programmer?

📺 https://youtu.be/Nf2_3dmGPeI

  1. Learned to code BASIC on an Atari 400, D&D character gen
  2. Starting to write papers but hard time finding printers
  3. Trip with my grandpa to see computers
  4. I got into skating, dancing, girls, soccer, and band
  5. Got into languages and creating language software
  6. I’ve always been into making stuff and programming allowed that
  7. Took one CS 101 class (Pascal) and dropped CS after
  8. Learned so much more at Digital Humanities Lab
  9. Discovered the Internet and the Web
  10. Taught myself HTML from the specs and examples
  11. Learn Perl on Mac with SimpleText for fb.pl