
Boost Badge Requirements and Bloom’s Taxonomy

A community member reminded me of Bloom’s Taxonomy (something I learned about in sixth grade actually from a teacher hell-bent on teaching us how to learn for ourselves). This actually applies very well here — especially the “affective” (emotion) and “psychomotor” (action/skills) domains that I completely forgot about. I’ve been using SKAs “skills, knowledge, abilities” (from Doris’ training), but the better combination seems to be “knowledge, emotion, action”. Bloom (and Bloom posterity) have established levels for each of the these major learning “domains”.

We can use these domains and map them to levels per Boost Badge, or boost badge requirement. The difficulty will be that each Badge will contain learning in all three categories. Perhaps the granularity I’m looking for is in the Badge requirement itself. Each requirement could be categorized by domain and assessed using Bloom’s criteria. This way the scope and domain of each requirement could vary but the level of mastery for each would always be the maximum level on the Bloom’s scale (depending on the domain).
