
I Just Found gojq, and OMG!

Yeah, I also just discovered all the gh release stuff under the absolutely crazy amazing gh GitHub command tool. The team that made that really did a great job. I frequently talk shit that is done poorly, but the gh tool really isn’t. They have thought through so much of it, including extensibility. My only gripe is getopt dependence, but they didn’t abuse it too bad (and the entire world still uses getop but me).

So while looking through the code I see this:

I immediately cloned it and read through the README.md and I just found my jaw on the floor. The author (itchyny) is just so thorough. I almost don’t want to look at the code and have my impressions smashed. I’m sure it is just fine.

Here’s the crazy thing, they improved jq! This gojq has floating point precision and more that jq doesn’t, not to mention that it is statically build and will run on any device. Yeah, I’m giddy. I cannot wait to get a jq Bonzai branch that brings all this awesomeness into my composite monolith. Don’t have jq on the system? No problem, I got z jq in my monolith. Give me 30 seconds to download it from anywhere.

The more time passes, the more amazing things will get complete rewrites in Go. It is already happening. It’s a matter of time before a viable vi replacement is, them tmux. I might have to write the lynx replacement myself (no one else cares). But once all those tools are done. I literally won’t have to use anything but my z command. I can see that day coming, within five years.

The fact that Rust people are fucking around with that irrelevant language while all this shit is getting done at light-speed in the Go community is all the evidence any rational tool smith developer needs to see. I just am so amazed at Go’s exploding progress, like a second wave of after-burner. It got it first with Kubernetes and all that, now with the 1.18 release everyone is getting in line. Soon the ML people will be like that one guy I read “I’m doing all my ML in Go from now on”. The only reason everyone hasn’t switched is because the libraries aren’t there yet, but the definitely will be at this pace. Go’s already burning through the hacker community like wild fire. It’s that nexus of developer communities again, ML, hackers, web. They are all coming to it.

#golang #gojq #json #jq #tools #bonzai