
Great Age of the Monolith/Multicall Binary

I believe we are headed into the next age of modular deployment architectures. First we had virtualization, then we had containers, then container orchestration. The obvious next step is not needing Linux at all, just a single, monolithic binary that has every possible thing you would want to do contained inside of it, with a built-in shell that is statically linked, and can run anywhere including in web browsers as web assembly, big binaries that are themselves tantamount to a small Linux shell workspace.

Bonzai™ is a framework specifically for taking us into this new era. The technology exists today to create a single binary that can be copied around with wild abandon to any system and just work. This is a hackers wet dream, by the way, no tty hassles, who cares about the OS, just do what I want.

Go is very uniquely positioned in this space. It is as easy to write as python or bash or perl, but contains amazing power in the standard library by itself. The net/http package alone is enterprise, high-performance ready, and the encryption options are insane. Go’s concurrency is best of breed, only Erlang is better. Go is seriously the best tooling language to come to the hacker community since C. (Rust is a fucking joke in comparison.) But it’s not just hackers who will benefit. All of the operations world will. The very paradigm of applications development today will dramatically change as the age of the monolith progresses.

#predictions #golang #bonzai #monolith