
Writing a Book with Info Commands

I’m toying with the idea of writing an entire book using nothing but info commands. I spend so much time creating info commands that it makes sense to try to put them together in some coherent way so they can be consumed as a book instead of just through the Twitch bot interface.

Info commands are ideal for a book (as opposed to the longer and looser zettels) because they have been so optimized to communicate so much in so little space. This positive pressure keeps them very well editing and book worthy. In that sense, zettels are not overlap with info commands because the info commands are the refined form of ideas created and fleshed out originally in a zettel.

Info commands from the command line turn learning into an interactive story game, with multiple paths through the content. There’s no better way to consume information for humans. We love this shit. And having it all outlined as well shows us what paths we missed and can go back and check. This is the original idea behind hyperlinking that was never actually realized on the Web. It also supplements the KEG work I’ve been doing.