
One zettel per quotation (with optional đź’¬ emoji)

I’ve decided to just keep one quotation in each zettel, even if it is really short, and to add a speech balloon emoji 💬 to make them easy to find. If I need to group them, I can just tag them with my keg app (which creates a kegtags entry for each tag).

I’ve gone back and forth on how to include quotes in my zettelkasten repo. At one point I had them all in a huge file, but that doesn’t work because I cannot comment or further describe my interpretation of the quote.

You could make the case that quotes are always a part of a larger point, but that gets messy fast. For example, say I collect quotes of nice things people have said about the Boost. That list could (hopefully) get pretty long. Does every single one go in the same large zettel?

On the one hand that makes them all easy to find.

On the other, that makes for a very large zettel.

I entertained the idea of making a Quote: category and then quickly realized most of the quotes would not fit within the 50 characters allowed in the title. But why the title? This further makes the case to just have a zettel with a succinct title, and put any and all quotes related to it in the same one, no matter how large it gets.

Keeping the quotes grouped by topic (and tagging them) provides more value when creating more formal content from the zettel itself. I would randomly pick from several quotes for the chapter headings of a book about roughly the same topic.