
ZettelMark: References List

While encouraging the reader to use a browser that will allow searching of any word that appears in a zettel, sometimes it remains a good idea to provide a direct link to a specific zettel. However, normal HTML hyperlinking is not conducive to a paper-compatible zettelkasten method since hyperlinks mask the URL and therefore the ID itself. Conversion to text for descriptions (such as on YouTube) therefore does not include any reference at all to the source. Inline hyperlinking also distracts the reader scanning the source text.

ZettelMark, therefore, requires that all links be explicit, that they be visible in any rendered form of the zettel. For internal zettel links the zettel ID is enough. For all other types of links, a full URL wrapped in angle brackets is required.

In addition, bibliographical and other written references should also be included in any such list.

To preserve compatibility with all languages there is no particular heading or text required to identify the links and references list, it must simply be the last list block of the ZettelMark file. Here’s an example:

* [20210813150318](/20210813150318/) ZettelMark Text Editor Helpers
* [20210812154738](/20210812154738/) ZettelMark is EzMark with Semantic Additions

As you can see, the list source is messy compared to the rest of the ZettelMark. This is why all links must come at the end of the file. We don’t want anything getting in the way of the writing and reading experience when creating and updating a zettel.