
Kubernetes Port Forwarding

I have found that using the service method is most reliable. Also, I need to remember that this is only a temporary thing and should not be used for anything long term (where an actual Ingress should be setup).

k port-forward service/harbor-portal 2222:80
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:2222 -> 8080

The first port is the one on the local host machine that can be accessed from the login user. The target is the second one.

k get service -o yaml harbor-portal

Notice how it changed 80 into 8080.

  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080

This is because we port-forwarded to a service (as you should) and not directly to a pod, since the IP of any pod could be reassigned at any time.


#k8s #networking