
Publishing Twitch Videos to YouTube

At this point I think I have exhausted ever approach to publishing Twitch videos to YouTube that is possible. I now believe that the best option to include with IRL streaming is the first (original) approach.

  1. Push long videos with chapters/bookmarks
  2. Create shorter ZettelCast videos with a zet to go with each
  3. Create longer videos that are stitched highlight clips (StreamLabs)

I am proud of the zet cast commands I made for YouTube. It was a nice way of creating small videos. But that method has a few problems

The StreamLabs clips are so amazing, but they also have problems:

Here’s the thing: IRL streaming is always going to be long form, so creating a method for dealing consistently with long videos will encompass IRL streaming and desktop/educational streaming, that is, if you do it right.

The most crucial part of long form is adding “chapters” (bookmarks). Without them and the descriptions that link to those bookmarks the video is virtual useless. It doesn’t show up in searches, and is cumbersome to get through. Creating chapters an be a community effort as people watch them and not the changes.

Remember, however, that there is a limit to the number of “chapters” you can put on a video. I forget what it is, but have hit this limitation. I think it is safe to say that if you limit educational videos to four hours that it will never be reached. I only hit that when I was streaming for more than 10 hours a day. 10 hours, by the way, is the maximum length for a YouTube video (officially).

#streaming #tips