Sick of Music Issues with YouTube and Twitch
- Hour long video is demonetized by 15 second bit of music at end
- Have to clip it (in this case) but risk of having video blocked
- Is it even moral to stream copyright music that you have purchase?
- Problem is the definition of “broadcast”
- Creators do not make money off of their creations
- Rich production companies that get all of the money
- Use of copyright free content will still copyright strike you
- The “sharing economy” will eventually correct all of this
- We need to practice “civil disobedience”
- DCMA is evil and was created not for the creators
- None of this will withstand the new personal broadcasting world
- FCC has attempted to block personal broadcasting world
- Twitch will just mute the segments of “copyright” music
- Twitch is effectively saying, “just to let it save anywhere”
- What is the difference between playing music at a house party and Twitch?
- Are you breaking the “broadcast” law at Christmas?
- Explore saving only microphone to disk and adding to video for YouTube
- Twitch VODS still have value even if pushed to YouTube
- Twitch VODS pick up where left off, and have chat stored
- I will link YouTube videos to Twitch VODs