
Do Not Commit to main/master Without Telling

Just got burned seriously by someone trying to help me who blew out all my development cluster changes with their own (which was bad enough since I have to drop the entire namespace and start over) and then committed their Helm chart “fix” to a Git repo on master for which I was already working on a branch that now has serious merge conflicts.

“There was nothing on master and no branches.”

Yeah, that’s never a green-light to commit to master on a team monorepo. Seriously, does this have to be explained to you? You never know who on the team might be working on private, local branches (in this case on stuff that had been specifically assigned to me) that will have a serious merge conflict to that work even if you didn’t “see” anything in the posted, public repo.

Now I’m fucked.

I have to go through every single line of code and see what changed in order to resolve the conflict — and more importantly, what, if anything, “fixed” the problem — when all it would have taken to avoid this would have been to say something like this:

“Hey, I’m going to commit to master, any conflicts I should know about?”

Now I’m the bad guy for complaining about the merge conflict.

By the way, if you want to turn a tense situation into an all out brawl tell the person facing the merge conflict something like this:

“It all works now. Just git diff and git stash and you should be fine.”

That should be added to a top 10 list of shit you never tell your tech peers. I went from annoyed to fucking pissed in five seconds. First, because the asshole was explaining how to use git to me (still pissed me off) and second, because he didn’t have a fucking clue enough to know how FUCKING STUPID that is to recommend. Then again, this is someone with zero software development experience. And third, because he may have been able to get it to work (which alone is awesome) but is now a Simpson’s character “henh-henh” all in the name of “helping” you. There’s no helping going on. Doing it and then not being able to explain how you fixed it is bullshit — especially when that is what you are being paid to do.

Gotta love coding on an Ops team.

“PR what?”

#rants #techlife #git #gitops #coding #100daysofcode