
Rust Community is Absolutely Insufferable

[Rust] is and always will be political. (Rust Core Team)

I fucking hate the Rust community. I would overlook any advantages of the language simply because of this fact alone (if there were not tons of other reasons not the least of which is its butt-ugly syntax, falsehoods about “safety”, laughable concurrency model, and lack of anything significant to be made in it while Go has dominated the cloud-native landscape even though they came out roughly the same time).

I’m sure just writing this in my personal zettelkasten will stir up the stinking “political” zombie crabs to attack yet again, but I don’t give a shit. People have to know this before getting involved with them, at all.

I’ve worked with some toxic assholes before, but the Rust community is hands down the worst community I have ever been forced to respond to. Just for disagreeing with them on the language usage I have been targeted in the past for personal harassment. I have never known such things to originate from the Go or C or Python communities (although the Node community is rife with such examples).

I shared my initial impressions about Rust on YouTube casually and had an entire Reddit post dedicated to personally attacks against me. The fact that they turned to Reddit for the attack says tons about this community all by itself. Most don’t even know what Usenet even is, and still think that is a good thing.

I was banned from the Rust Twitter account simply for disagreeing with them. Then apologists started jumping on me saying that the Twitter account maintainer did not represent the language or the community. What the actual fuck?

Now I read example after example in the Linux mailing list of the same repetitive bullshit attacks against some of the most respected developers the world has ever known. It’s like they think they are revolting or something, all while wrapped in unsafe. It would be rather laughable if it were not so sad and disturbing.



#rust #community #rants